Garage Sale September 24, 2022
Time: 7:30am (please do not arrive early) until 3:00pm
537 Westover Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Brief highlights of Items to be sold and so much more.....
Computer: Printer, Orbi network with extender
Office Supplies: paper, file folders, pendex file holders
Furniture: glass covered coffee table, pair of dark wood bar stools (backless), grey metal fireplace screen, tv monitor 32 inch, suitcases, electric fireplace
Household: Plates, Set of 12 real silverware in original boxed holder, suit cases, air fryer (used twice), plates, lamps and other decorative household items
Linens: Kitchen towels, table runners, tablecloths, bedding for queen sized bed-duvets, sheets, etc.
Frames: all sizes for photo hanging, wall art
CD’s: music and movies
File Cabinets-1 large black, 1 small white
Jayne Kroner
Member since Sep 20, 2022