2 Family Baby/Kids/Teacher/School Supply Rummage Sale
Friday, August 6th and Saturday, August 7th 9AM-4PM RAIN OR SHINE
3915 Scenic Way Franksville, WI 53126 (Prairie Pathways Neighborhood)
Two sisters who are done having children and are cleaning up and organizing their houses! All items from pet and smoke free homes. Everything priced to sell. CASH ONLY. ABSOLUTELY NO HOLDS!
This is just a sampling of what is available:
Boys clothes NB-4t
Girls clothes NB-2t (numerous bins to dig through as family has three girls)
Boys and girls shoes
Baby items including: Baby Bullet, Dr. Brown Bottles, Medela Bottles and pieces, sippy cups, changing pads and covers, stroller, umbrella stroller, toys, books, small floor swing, travel table baby seat, bath seat, activity center, play mats, pack n play, breast pumps, diaper bags, metal baby gate, miscellaneous baby items, etc.
Kids toys
Kids games
Kids puzzles
Brand new/sealed Google Home Mini w/Disney books
Kids elephant soft chair
Kids pink flamingo rocker
Kids zebra rocker
Minnie Mouse ball pit
Kids Craftsman tool table with tools
Toy chest
Multi Colored toy bin organizer
Stuffed animals
Kids wooden table w/2 chairs
Large wooden Noah’s Ark
Brand new school supplies: mechanical pencils, pencil pouches, pens, crayons, colored pencils, markers, lined paper, composition notebooks, folders (both paper and poly), binders, index cards, scissors, protractors, rulers, pencil tip erasers, numerous miscellaneous office supplies
Costume jewelry, make-up, and miscellaneous bath items
Men’s ties (retired male teacher stash)
Teacher items: teacher classroom decor, posters, workbooks, etc
Hard/softcover books (mostly middle school/HS level with a few adult)
Blank VCR tapes
CD/Audio cassette tape storage drawers
Amy Stillson
Member since Jul 14, 2021